awesome eagledom
I am actually excited. I honestly need all the help I can get at this point, I have a massive palisade with like 1/2 auth and nobody to help me keep it up. I would love to recruit 100% of the HRE boys. Hell, I would even rename the village The Holy Roman Empire. I just really need help right now.
A few warnings -
we need to plan the village
(it's 1 tile sort of being 1 vclaim + 2 bannerlengths in all directions)
we need more people [because of this, obviously nobody is specialized]
(so far the LS is not online 90% of the time. although i will likely be able to take over ls soon)
I will msg everybody I can with a plea to start again if you give me contact info
at this point we have a very big palisade and a iron mine cave
my copper mine cave got claimed but I made the key/entrance for the palisade so it's a weird/questionable spectacle.
other than that, msg me via pm and I will send you a HS so we can start to work together
sadly I am paranoid at this point (by no fault of my own) if you need an explanation please let me know and I will be happy to tell me whole W4 story.
Peace HRE bros.